In coaching and counseling situations, all information shared by our clients is held in the strictest confidence in accordance with the standards of ethics of our profession. No personal or confidential information will be shared with others without a client’s written permission, or as required by law. Such legal exceptions may include:
Suspected child abuse, elder abuse or dependent adult abuse, or if the client is threatening bodily harm to someone else. We are required by law to report to authorities in these cases.
If the client shows intent to harm himself/herself. If we can’t obtain the cooperation of the client in protecting his/her own safety, we are ethically and legally obligated to take necessary measures to protect the client’s safety without his/her permission.
If requested information is ordered by law.
For more information or clarification of our confidentiality policies, contact Whitney Jones at (404) 788-8000 or 1 (800) 520-7876.